Wednesday, February 16, 2011


How did what you read today make you feel? Why? 

    What I read today gave me even more sympathy for the main character than I ever had before. Both her grandparents just died, she is getting harassed by all the druggies at her school and Joel is going home, he wont be working at her dad's college anymore. Alice came home, stopped doing drugs, is dedicating the rest of her life to helping others, but she is having nothing but bad luck. I feel horrible for her! Everyone hates her because she stopped doing drugs, even though it has made her a much better person. The whole social seen at her school is based on drugs and everyone is so blinded to the real beauty of life. I am happy for Alice, because she is off drugs and is being such a wonderful person, but her life seems to be getting worse and worse. I thought she was only miserable because she was on drugs and had run away, but now she is at home and off drugs and she is still miserable. I really hope something good happens for her soon! 

What does this book make you wonder about? Why?

    This book really makes me wonder about how much drugs can really affect your life. I wonder weather Alice still would have rebelled and chosen to do bad things even if there weren't any drugs in the picture, or was she just being controlled by drugs? I wonder how her life would have played out if she had never taken drugs in the first place. I think she would  have tried them eventually, if she hadn't been given LSD at the party. Why is it so easy for her to stay clean now, even though she was so hooked? She really confuses me, I wish I could talk to her in person. I have so many questions about her life and experiences!

 What do you think about a particular character's actions? Was he/she right or wrong to do that? 

    Alice got molested by a stranger, he grabbed her and stuck his tongue down her throat. He was sent by one of the kids who has been harassing her. He threatened her not to tell anyone. I know she was just scared, but I think she did the wrong thing by not telling anyone not even her parents. This was a very serious thing and her parents are there to protect her. I think Alice is to reserved with her family and she needs to open up more and tell them what is going on in her life, for her own good. I understand how scared she is, but her parents will do nothing but help. If they new about all the harassment they could move her schools, or take greater precautions to protect her. Next time something bad happens, she is going to regret not being more open with her parents.

    What advice would you give to a particular character? Why?

    I would tell the main character to hang in there and continue trying to be a good person. I really hope she doesn't crack and stop caring about her life again. She is being such a good person and I hope if she continues then her life will get better, because right now it is not going so well. I would also encourage her to find a friend she is so lonely. I know she is scared to be influenced to do drugs, but not everyone is like that. I'm sure she could find someone great to hangout with if she tried a little harder, especially now that Joelle is leaving.


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  2. I also think that Alice should talk to her parents about the guy who harassed her. Her parents would definitely help protect her. I wish she would tell them! I also wonder how much drugs affected Alice. It seems like they affected her a lot because she was making so many bad choices when she was doing them and now that she isn't doing them, she is almost back to her old self. I hope that she stays off of drugs even though she is getting harassed because she isn't doing them. The people at her school are so messed up! Alice has a choice to do drugs or not and it's not up to them. She's such a better person without drugs in her life and I really hope she stays that way!
    Great post. I enjoyed reading it :)
